Posted: September 13, 2019

Denmark has consolidated its lead in the global solar district heating market, as capacity topped 1 GWth in August 2019. The 120 solar district heating plants that are now in operation throughout the country total 1.1 GWth (around 1.6 million m²).
The above shown chart is one of eleven infographics that were developed within Task 55 to illustrate SDH technologies, advantages and market developments. The files are available as jpgs and pdfs for download in three languages – English, German and French - and can be used free-of-charge in third-party publications. The creation and design of the infocharts was sponsored as part of a planned SDH investor brochure “Solar Heat For Cities” by the following Task 55 members: Solites (Germany), European Copper Institute (Belgium), Sunrain (China), CSP Aalborg (Denmark), newHeat (France), Savosolar (Finland) and Greenonetec (Austria).
Visit the Task 55 website to download zip files in English, German and French.